(2003/09/27) I have a short attention span. (2003/09/24) Mall Spats two. The return of Mall Spats. He he, or something. (2003/09/23) Hardly a Holocaust is going to be on hold for a while. You've heard of that thing called a plot? Yeah, I need that. Anywho in the mean time I'm putting out a nifty little cartoon called Mall Spats. Get it? Like mall rats. . . .my genius is wasted on you. The adventures of some kids who hang out at the mall. The first toon is up right now, the rest will come out as I finish them. Duh. (2003/09/20) A while back I complained about how long it took to draw the blotch pattern into BDU's. . . .that's nothing compared to coloring. I have got to speed this up. (2003/09/19) I've been thinking it over and I've decided to try bringing the quality of Hardly a Holocaust up. This will of course involve a bit of fishing around in the dark as I balance what I'd like to produce with what I can actually do and what I can get done on time. Most likely the size of the updates will shrink a bit since they're spending longer in post production. (IE gettin' culored) I'd greatly appreciate feedback. Otherwise I'm just dancing with myself. (2003/09/18) He he, do you think maybe he's compensating for something? He he. . . .ah never mind. (2003/09/17) A salamander that dresses up. (2003/09/13) A little bit more story. (2003/09/12) If someone asked me if today's gag was influenced by the two whole seasons of The Family Guy I've watched in the last week, not only would they be extremely perceptive, but they'd be right! I think Stewie became more evil from one season to the next. Maybe he was always that evil and he just started acting on it. "So you will continue to sanitize my crevasse and be damn grateful for the opportunity!" (2003/09/11) It's that time of the year again. (2003/09/10) This one's pretty self explanatory. (2003/09/09) I tried to draw this picture such that you could see the personalities and the relationship between the Goblin King and each of his three wives. Hopefully it makes as much sense to you as it does to me. (2003/09/08) There aren't very many things in the world as cool as exoskeletons. They're simply the ultimate human-machine synergy. All the power, speed, and precision you could ever want you can obtain simply by strapping on an exoskeleton. Which is a bit ironic as no one's actually invented one yet. At least not one that lives up to the standards of the imagination. (2003/09/06) Two changes today. You might have noticed the nifty looking salamander on the first page. If you didn't, well you're probably distracted by the vast emptiness that is your so called life. And, oh look, is that more story? (2003/09/04) Not that many people are around to notice, but in commemoration of our one month anniversary. . . . .a splash page! Also the introduction of the site mascot: Sam the Salamander. What does a salamander have to do with walls? I don't know. You try finding something that's naturally orange and gray. (2003/09/02) Does anyone else really like that scene in Entrapment where Catherine Zeta Jones slinks her way through the lasers? (2003/08/30) On to the next scene. I hope you appreciate this one too because those uniforms take a really long time. I like the result though. (2003/08/29) Do you think God has a sense of humor? If God does have a sense of humor, do we find the same things funny? I don't know. I guess no one does. Wouldn't it be great though if when you stepped into the light, a bucket of water fell on your head. (2003/08/28) I'm guessing that no one will ever make a movie about a female robot that tries to become human. Let alone a female robot. Well, they might try, I don't think it'll work though. The two themes just don't mesh very well. A robot is without a doubt a very male entity. A robot is logical and calculating, a robot is specific and to the point, a robot is honest and chivalrous. Even the shape of a robot is blockish and powerful. To round it off a robot does things, accomplishes goals, and if it's thwarted it keeps trying until it achieves what it set out to do. A robot is made out of computers and mechanisms which are difficult to cast in a feminine light. A story about a female construct might work if she was biomechanical. Also if she found the irrational side of humanity appealing. If instead of trying to logically puzzle out the intricacies of humanity (like a male robot would do) she instead aspires to become unpredictable and carefree. To understand what people feel, not why. That would be feminine. Then she could compare notes with the Bicentennial Man. (2003/08/27) Everybody wants to feel special. I think that we've all got this tiny little nerosis about the fact that the world doesn't care about us. When it comes right down to it there isn't very much we can control. So we'd like to think that something, anything is looking out for us in particular. Fate, guardian angels, or even Santa Claus. Speaking of whom; what do you think he does the other 364 days? He can't start making toys till the letters start coming in around October. My guess is finding a use for all the elves hanging around. (2003/08/26) I'm a big fan of Battle Angel Alita. For anyone who doesn't know; it's a manga by Yokito Kishiro. It's about a girl trying to discover who she is in a harsh, confrontational world. The girl just happens to have no memories, a robotic body, a talent for violence, and she gets really cute when she's mad. Her world is a sprawling city in the far future, which survives on the junk dropped out of a huge floating city called Zalem. Actually in the anime her name is Gally and the floating city is Zalem; however in the manga her name is Alita and the floating city is Tiphares. Despite some creative differences and a brand new character or two the anime holds true to the story layed out in the manga. The anime is first rate. The characters look like they do in the manga and the english voices are very good. I do think Gally is a bit more childish in the movie tho. Anywho, this is the reason I brought it up. (2003/08/25) Is something called an update if it's actually the first piece of content? Well, untill I invent a new word the links section has been updated with actual content. Yay. Check it out. Sites are listed in no particular order. I did restrict the comics to ones I actually read regularly tho. (2003/08/23) A new batch of Hardly a Holocaust all hot from the oven and ready to be served. It's been almost a month now. I'm starting a class next week; which might slow things down a little. though I'll do my best to keep a regular schedule. (2003/08/22) Something pretty cool happened today. I thought it was wednsday. . .but then my roomie points out that it was thursday! So the week's almost over and I didn't even know it. It's almost like getting a four day week. Only it's better; cuz I worked a full week and it only feels like four days. It could actually be worse but it doesn't seem to be. Now I know why they say ignorance is bliss. You know what else is blissfull, gags. (2003/08/18) Somehow the fickle finger of SNAFU waved in my direction and smited my internet connection. So this is the first chance I've gotten to update. However, I kept working and can provide an extra big update. (2003/08/13) A gag a day keeps the blues at bay. I'd like to wish my sister a happy birthday. It was actually last week but she's 18 now so it's worth saying again. (2003/08/11) Today's gag was inspired by the summer math classes I took. (2003/08/10) Wow. I actually got the first meaningful update done. It's called Hardly a Holocaust and you'll find it either by following the "comics" link above or by clicking right here. I hope the layout isn't distracting. I've never seen a comic done quite like this before but you shouldn't have any trouble following the action. I think that once you get the hang of looking from point to point it starts to feel rather cinematic. As to the black lines being the only thing separating you from reading HaH and staring at a blank screen, I'll experiment with color on future sections. If you want to link to me (which I wouldn't mind at all) you can use this If you want something with different dimensions I can oblige. (2003/08/07) It's amazing how the things you expect to have trouble with never turn out to be that big a deal. Always it's the little thing you never thought about that holds up an entire project. However, that's history. I got Gag. . .you got Gag? (2003/08/04) The site's just gone up. . .and is kinda boring. That'll get tweeked in the near future though. For now I'll just try to get used to updating on a "regular" schedule. I should be able to push out a section a week. A section consisting of enough story to make sense. My grand hope is that I can put up something new every day. Probably a cartoon or review. This is my contact info in case it's needed. |
All contents Copyright Matt Maier cyclone@maierlair.org