These are links
to comics I enjoy regularly and can recommend as worth your time.
A Modest Destiny, by Sean Howard. A unique comic; Mr. Howard manages
to keep the story funny, the characters strange, and the readers laughing.
. . and he does it every day. That's right a new comic every day. Oh,
and he draws it himself.
Demonology 101, by Faith Erin Hicks. I think she won some web comic
awards not too long ago. Not at all surprising; her artwork, story,
and characters are captivating. I suggest starting from the beginning
as there's a lot of story.
Electric Sheep, by Patrick Farley. When I found this site I literally
stayed up to 3am looking at everything. He draws beautiful, colorful
comics in an unusual side scrolling configuration. Check out Spiders
and Delta Thrives first, or Apocamon if you're interested in the end
of the world.
Megatokyo, by Fred Gallagher. Ph34r t3h cute ones! If you've ever wondered
how to survive in Tokyo with your paranoid buddy, your angel, a sexy
PS2 accessory, and no money check this out. Very clean art and loads
of imagination
Wapsi Square, by Paul Taylor. I absolutely love his style; it looks
so effortless. His characters are the driving force behind this comic
and you'll really grow to love them. Updates every other week day.
Kagerou, by Luka Delaney. This was the one that got me hooked on web
comics. When your main character not only looks like a girl but has
a couple extra personalities hanging around, you might stop there. But
she didn't. There is a TON of story behind this beautiful comic.
Wings of Change, by Mariette S. Rose. I don't know if she intended ALL
the main characters to have wings. . . but it works. A fantasy comic
with a lot of heart and lovable characters.
The following aren't
necessarily comics but if you're here you'd probably be interested in
what they have to offer.
I really admire Scott McCloud. If you're interested in comics in any
way his two books Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics
are practically required reading. You might have run across one
or more of those "24 Hour" comics, he invented the idea. His
examples of Zap, in which you read by scrolling down were a big influence
on the current structure of my own comic.
Gary Ham's style is just beautiful. His illustrations are colorful and
full of energy.
It turns out I was a big fan of Sam Liu's Roughneck: Starship Troopers
Chronicles TV show long before I knew he made it. His artwork is
on my "must see" list.
uh, got a lot of comics....nuff said.